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"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain." - Bob Marley

Christopher Icasiano

Christopher Icasiano is a Filipino-American percussionist and composer from Redmond, WA. He has been performing and touring professionally for over 20 years. His specialization in free-improvisation and experimental music combined with his vast experience with pop and rock have made him a highly sought after collaborator in all genres of music. He co-founded the grassroots arts organization Table & Chairs, as well as the Racer Sessions, a weekly performance series and free-improvisation jam session. He is committed to anti-racist and anti-sexist organizing within Seattle's DIY and art communities in order to create more accessible and safer spaces. When Chris isn't touring as a solo artist or with his long-standing drum-sax duo Bad Luck, you can find him in the kitchen whipping up a batch of chicken adobo for his friends or singing Boyz II Men songs at karaoke.

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Christopher Icasiano
Bad Luck